
Development is freedom

This means that we believe that all human beings are entitled to experience themselves as free. Key to achieving this is the reconstruction of economic systems and the rebuilding of capabilities at the most local level. Enmeshed with this is the requirement to ensure that environmental protection is integrated into our thinking and work. This is the grand social challenge of our time. And we do not shy away from it. We therefore work with our clients, partners, stakeholders and communities to solve grand social challenges on the basis of deep knowledge.

Beyond linear thinking

We revere the creative powers of the human mind. Our logo is the Bantu language symbol for the mind. We believe that the process of development must restore the epistemic confidence and agency of individuals who have been denied agency. That is how true and sustained progress happens. It starts with the mind.

Our Partners

  • Knowledge Pele has partnered with the most sustainable country in the world, Costa Rica, to build a cross-country and cross-sectoral applied research platform for the development of sustainability solutions.

  • The University of Sussex has entered into a research partnership with Knowledge Pele and MINAE to provide scientific support for sustainability research.

  • Knowledge Pele was selected by Coldplay in 2021 to be amongst its 12 global sustainability affiliates. The relationship confirms KP’s leadership in development thinking and implementation.

  • Knowledge Pele has partnered with Rekindle to deploy training through easy-to-use digital platforms, based on the microlearning methodology.

  • Mandela University has partnered with KP and Rekindle to provide academic content for digital education.

  • Knowledge Pele is accredited by EWSETA to deliver training in scarce skills in the water & energy sectors. This has enabled KP to deploy renewable energy training to students, through a community college model, for students who cannot access traditional tertiary institutions.